When it comes to big holidays, the aftermath is like a tornado tore through your home...after your company has gone, gifts opened, etc. The place looks in shambles no matter how hard you try to keep up. And all that is on top of your regular chores! LOL! I can now actually see my livingroom floor now.;) I do little by little as I won't wear myself out like I have in the past. The older 2 kids still have a week left before going back to school...that is when I'll be able to do more and get my house back to somewhat normal household. That will be when I probably start taking all the Christmas decorations down. For now it's sifting through all the boxes, plastics ect. to see what gets recycled and what is garbage. But I've got my older daughter's birthday this weekend to worry about. Then I have a month before my youngest daughter's birthday.
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and got at least one thing you wanted to get. Even though I enjoyed my Christmas, I didn't get what I wanted. It was only two things...one that was less than $200.00 and a Gothic Charm School book but instead I got about $300.00 worth of stuff that my dh likes or we could use for the house. Of all the Christmases we've had together (about 10) this year he was clueless. Ah well, perhaps next year he'll get back on track and do better. He even forgot stocking stuffers this year for me. But my kids are happy with what they got and it will take a while before they get their own rooms organized and have figured where they are going to put their stuff in their room. :)
As much as I love the different holidays, I am usually glad when it's all over. :) Now I can start thinking of next year! :D